First I want to say THANK YOU for all your prayers and all the emails for my beautiful niece. I'm excited to announce that they've sent her home sooner than anyone expected. She's weak but on the road to recovery and we're so happy, it truly has been a miracle.
Spring is in the air here in Utah, most days. The weather keeps teasing us. My kids are confused that one week they need a jacket and the next week they need their winter coat and gloves. I sat at Logan's first baseball scrimmage last Saturday and froze It was soooooo cold. What in the heck are we doing starting baseball so soon anyway????
I find that when Jack wants something his little mind starts working hard on "what do I have to do to get that (reach my goal)?" As I watch the obstacles in his way whether it be he can't reach something, he can't crawl over something, he can't get under there......he figures away to go around or get over and under no matter what. His favorite is stacking the pillows and using them for a stepping stool . (keep in mind he just turned 1) My favorite is watching him watch the older kids do something like open a door, a cubbard, or close and shut the blinds. He watches and then does. (he scares me :) ) Anyway, I was thinking how this applies to all of us.
Think about how many obstacles come our way to prevent us from accomplishing our goals. Unfortunately, most of the time excuses and fear are our reason for not overcoming them. Maybe the goal is too hard, maybe someone or something is in our way. Is our goal unrealistic? Maybe we only look for the negative (that's easy to do) Are we watching what others are doing and following their lead in order to help us accomplish our desires?
Let me get back to Jack. I believe that he hasn't yet been programmed to see obstacles as a problem so he continues to find ways to get what he wants. Sure, he gets frustrated at times but he doesn't give up. The best part is that after he has tried every way possible he screams until someone helps him. WOW! Some may see asking for help as giving up....hmmmm I don't see asking for help as giving up. Asking for help is a way of finding and learning how to get through our obstacles. I'm afraid that their are too many of us that aren't asking for help because we don't want to look weak, or we're afraid, or we don't know who to ask.
Believe me when I say that the greatest leaders in this industry aren't doing it alone. They aren't afraid to call their upline and share their struggles and frustrations and to ask for help. They learn from bouncing experiences and ideas off of each other. This business in my opinion is a continual roller coaster that you need to share the ride with. Find someone in your upline that you respect, that you feel comfortable talking to, that is sincere in wanting to help you and plug into them, let them become your mentor. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Your success is their success. Do it now, it's time!
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